Friday, July 5, 2013

Beachie time!

Max had a super exciting first trip to the beach!! He was a little uneasy at first w the sand and the ocean but got more comfortable the more time we spent at the beach. He loved having Madi and Katie to play with, though I'm not sure they were as thrilled w him :) Max was an early riser at the beach and made sure everyone knew he was up! The girls were very patient w him and it was much appreciated.
I hope we can do this trip again, we all loved getting to spend time w Pa and the Harris fam!

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Lots of daddadadada not much mamamamama. But we're getting there! We've heard  the elusive mammamama before but not much lately. Excited about seeing Oma this week!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Too stinkin cute

I have not been as good about this as I thought I would. Turns out I like to read blogs but not as excited about writing or posting. Also not all that great about taking pics of him with these adorable month stickers. So this is more towards the end of 9 months than the beginning but whatever. Still completely adorable. 
MR.T currently has 2 teeth and has had just as many ear infections now....although if we're making a push towards tubes I would really rather call this 5 as we're on antibiotic number 3 for this particular round of ear infection. Not my favorite game to play but no one seems to have a good fix for this other than to say "its part of it." I guess? Going to keep looking and so far not saying no to dairy free or a chiropractor. Anyone else with any suggestions?
Enjoy the cutest boy ever!! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

9 months

Nine Months!
17.2 lbs
27 inches
Too much cuteness to measure

Monday, March 11, 2013

And we're crawling!

Hello Max lovers! Thought this might be a good place to post videos and pictures of our sweet boy when he's showing off how smart and cute he is. Which is most of the time but we'll try not to over post.
This boy has been working on crawling for weeks now and he finally has it! But what he really wants is to walk. If you've been around him in the last week and a half or so you know how exhausting this is.....the boy can move his feet like he's walking but wants you to hold his hands-which we're happy to do, of course-but it would be great if we were more like a foot tall! Guessing Darren and I will be hunch backs if he doesn't start doing it on his own soon.
I'm clearly not a very good camera woman, but I'll work on that.
Here it is!!